2001 Avocado Finals
Compiled by Buzz Thom
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Team Abbreviations:
F=Fallbrook, SM=San Marcos, C=Carlsbad, EC=El Camino, LCC=La Costa Canyon

BOYS (3.1 Miles):

16:32    Alex Casarez, F1
16:57    David Ignacio, SM1
17:04    Rey Ramirez, C1
17:06    Anthony Fogelstrom, C2
17:13    Jimmy Retherford, SM2
17:16    Kevin Bickham, EC1
17:23    Tim Irwin, F2
17:24    Trevor Mulvey, C3
17:25    Oscar Ignacio, SM3
17:32    Ryan Johnson, C4
17:36    Joe Harlin, F3
17:58    Arturo Kenyon, EC2
17:59    Alex Fontaine, F4
17:59    Jeffrey Wilson, EC3
17:59    Matt Shaughnessy, LCC1
18:03    David Bielicki, SM4
18:05    Ben Lupercio, F5
18:06    Sam Nicolas, C5
18:15    Mark Wilson, F6
18:17    Austin Bissonnette, SM5
18:23    Ben Krause, C6
18:24    Jordan More, SM6
18:25    Jim Williams, LCC2
18:26    Matt Barry, LCC3
18:30    Felipe Lopez, F7
18:32    Christian, SM7
18:35    Aaron Lieber, F
18:47    Manuel Gomez, F
18:51    Jake Simmons, C7
18:52    Alastair Mulholland, LCC4
18:53    Andy Gausepohl, F
18:59    Chris Howard, EC4
19:01    Justin Borque, F
19:03    Justin Bartels, C
19:05    Shane Fournier, EC5
19:06    Shalendra Maharaj, EC6
19:07    Steve Christensen, LCC5
19:08    Anthony Simpson, LCC6
19:15    Greg Scott, EC7
19:16    Chris Drozd, SM
19:20    Marcus Amezcua, EC
19:23    Ali Ramsey, LCC7
19:25    Phil Hanson, SM
19:34    Jordan Ahle, C
19:36    Eric Rinehart, LCC
19:45    Brian Oreo, C
19:47    Tristan Sharp, LCC
19:49    Chris Hazlett, EC
20:03    Eric, C
20:26    Brent Craig, F
20:27    First Doyle, SM
21:02    Victor Morta, SM
21:36    Mike Pruitt, EC

GIRLS (2.6 miles):

15:30    Katie Matlack, F1
15:34    Sara Cates, C1
15:46    Sariah St. Laurent, EC1
15:49    Sabrina St. Laurent, EC2
15:56    Melissa Ramos , F2 
15:59    Nicole Mier, SM1
16:00    Coleen O'Connell, C2
16:19    Kelly McCann, LCC1
16:22    Maija Rohde, F3
16:27    Kiley Green, LCC2
16:29    Michelle Denham, F4
16:32    Erica Schim, LCC3
16:34    Megan Harpold, C3
16:50    Michelle Denham, F5
17:10    Mallane Dressel, C4
17:14    Sarah Schertzer, C5
17:15    Christina Eads, F6
17:15    Nettie Holt, F7
17:20    Jessica White, LCC4
17:22    Natalie Elkind, LCC5
17:23    Rachel Osborne, EC3
17:27    Nicole Newman, LCC6
17:27    Slava Haywas, EC4
17:33    Sara Hummel, LCC7
17:35    Megan Johnson, EC5
17:37    Andrea Zeppilli, EC6
17:40    Jackie Arding, EC7
17:47    Kristin Greider, LCC
17:58    Kristin Woodwad, C6
18:02    Becca Sharpless, LCC
18:04    Racquel Dudzinski, EC
18:17    Ali St. Clair, EC
18:23    Christina Metzler, F
18:34    Sarah Page, EC
18:35    Alicia Demoe, F
18:38    Allison Standforth, F
18:45    Leslie Clawson, EC
19:04    Michelle Retherford, SM2
19:15    Meghan Murphy, F
19:35    Kathleen Eschom, C7
20:09    Krystal Tavares, SM3
20:15    Rachel Scoma, F
20:25    Christy DeJesus, SM4
22:55    Ashley Stevens, SM5