2006 Mt. Carmel Invite:
Results for small school soph girls

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Sammy Silva, Our Lady of Peace

                event 11 Small School Soph Girls 2.7 Miles

 Place First Name   Last Name       School                   Time  Pace  
 ===== ============ =============== ======================== ===== ===== 
     1 Sammy        Silva           Our Lady of Peace        16:13  6:01 
     2 Elizabeth    Schulze         The Bishop's School      16:31  6:08 
     3 Elizabeth    Apgar           Calvary Christian C      16:42  6:12 
     4 Samantha     Adair           Mt. Carmel               16:45  6:13 
     5 Leah         Leedy           Foothill                 17:03  6:19 
     6 Tess         Plant-Thomas    La Jolla                 17:06  6:20 
     7 Katie        Sanger          Valley Center            17:13  6:23 
     8 Katie        Martin          El Capitan               17:14  6:23 
     9 Nihal        Kayali          La Jolla                 17:28  6:29 
    10 Courtney     Nigro           Valley Center            17:36  6:32 
    11 Olivia       Tidd            Calvary Christian (V)    17:43  6:34 
    12 Shea         Albrecht        Greenway                 17:44  6:35 
    13 Alexa        Presar          Cathedral Catholic       17:49  6:36 
    14 Julia        Restin          Salpointe Catholic       17:50  6:37 
    15 Helen        Gilles          Salpointe Catholic       17:50  6:37 
    16 Laura        Wyatt           The Bishop's School      17:54  6:38 
    17 Johvanna     Lemus           Calexico                 17:55  6:39 
    18 Alex         Morgan          Mt. Carmel               17:55  6:39 
    19 McKenzie     O'Malley        La Reina (G)             18:01  6:41 
    20 Roxanne      Cook            Maranatha                18:04  6:42 
    21 Krista       Gast            Sahuaro                  18:11  6:45 
    22 Shelby       Collins         Westridge (G)            18:21  6:48 
    23 Gabriela     Ponce           Southwest (I.V.)         18:24  6:49 
    24 Jocelyn      Lee             Flowing Wells            18:28  6:51 
    25 Mairead      Bretney         Our Lady of Peace        18:31  6:52 
    26 Nethania     Penrod          Mar Vista                18:32  6:52 
    27 Brianna      Carlisle        Cajon                    18:34  6:53 
    28 Lauren       Carlton         Valhalla                 18:35  6:53 
    29 Sarah        George          Mt. Carmel               18:37  6:54 
    30 Rachael      Rivera          Calexico                 18:41  6:56 
    31 Jenny        Cavellier       Cathedral Catholic       18:45  6:57 
    32 Kristin      Secciani        Grossmont                18:49  6:59 
    33 Ally         Latta           Poly/Pasadena            18:50  6:59 
    34 Meghan       Murphy          La Reina (G)             18:51  6:59 
    35 Amber        Berry           Serra                    18:53  7:00 
    36 Naomi        Wagner          The Bishop's School      18:55  7:01 
    37 Hailey       Mayer           Monte Vista              18:56  7:01 
    38 Dulce        Leany           Foothill                 18:59  7:02 
    39 Annie        Shields         Steele Canyon            19:06  7:05 
    40 Elvia        Carrillo        El Cajon Valley          19:08  7:06 
    41 Anabel       Arrendondo      Canyon Crest Academy     19:09  7:06 
    42 Kandice      Fowler          Sabino                   19:11  7:07 
    43 Alicia       Triana          The Bishop's School      19:15  7:08 
    44 Rebecca      Judd            Granite Hills            19:16  7:09 
    45 Jordon       Orosz           Francis Parker           19:21  7:10 
    46 Olivia       Coumides        Salpointe Catholic       19:24  7:12 
    47 Samantha     Nielsen         St. Joseph/Lakewood (G)  19:27  7:13 
    48 Taylor       Rahlfs          Cathedral Catholic       19:28  7:13 
    49 Jackie       Spivey          Grossmont                19:37  7:16 
    50 Nissa        Mickelson       Sahuaro                  19:38  7:17 
    51 Athena       Williams        Southwest (I.V.)         19:46  7:20 
    52 Rebekah      Fraizer         Cajon                    19:47  7:20 
    53 Alyssa       Russell         Granite Hills            19:52  7:22 
    54 Tabatha      Rood            Valhalla                 19:55  7:23 
    55 LaVon        Wageman         Francis Parker           19:57  7:24 
    56 Lindsey      Haddock         Foothill                 19:59  7:25 
    57 Maia         Mosse           Westridge (G)            19:59  7:25 
    58 Cindy        Peralta         Mt. Carmel               20:01  7:25 
    59 Bethany      Smith           Granite Hills            20:02  7:26 
    60 Jeena        Norwarekar      El Cajon Valley          20:04  7:26 
    61 Ariana       Ramos           Calexico                 20:07  7:28 
    62 Elena        Hower           Cathedral Catholic       20:09  7:28 
    63 Laura        Straight        Valhalla                 20:11  7:29 
    64 Candy        Gonzalez        Steele Canyon            20:13  7:30 
    65 Katie        Kikendall       Mt. Carmel               20:17  7:31 
    66 Beth         Simmons         Granite Hills            20:19  7:32 
    67 Jamie        Arnold          El Cajon Valley          20:23  7:33 
    68 Taylor       Simmons         Sabino                   20:24  7:34 
    69 Kelli        Costelloe       La Jolla                 20:27  7:35 
    70 Margaret     Nettleton       La Jolla                 20:32  7:37 
    71 Sasha        Binderow        La Jolla Country Day     20:34  7:38 
    72 Rowan        Dionisopoulos   Grossmont                20:35  7:38 
    73 Marissa      Navarro         Escondido Charter        20:37  7:39 
    74 Allison      Fletcher        St. Joseph/Lakewood (G)  20:40  7:40 
    75 Ciara        Kamahele        La Jolla                 20:41  7:40 
    76 Rachelle     Leavitt         El Capitan               20:45  7:42 
    77 Sarah        Redman          La Salle (Boys)          20:47  7:42 
    78 Kimi         Mok             Westridge (G)            20:49  7:43 
    79 Ashley       Armstrong       San Dieguito Academy     20:52  7:44 
    80 Summer       Moss            Steele Canyon            20:54  7:45 
    81 Ariel        Bogert          Greenway                 20:55  7:45 
    82 Erica        Trimble         La Jolla                 20:56  7:46 
    83 Jaime        Pruden          Sabino                   21:00  7:47 
    84 Olivia       Zolfaghari      La Reina (G)             21:02  7:48 
    85 Vanessa      Cisneros        Otay Ranch               21:03  7:48 
    86 Sarah        Jones           Sabino                   21:05  7:49 
    87 Christie     Richmond        La Jolla                 21:06  7:49 
    88 Mackenxie    Gloven          La Jolla                 21:07  7:50 
    89 Tessa        Westwood        Cathedral Catholic       21:08  7:50 
    90 Sara         Zlotnik         Canyon Crest Academy     21:14  7:52 
    91 Annette      Pulliam         La Jolla                 21:18  7:54 
    92 Stephanie    Tucker          Cathedral Catholic       21:19  7:54 
    93 Sarah        Rawi            Canyon Crest Academy     21:30  7:58 
    94 Rachel       Fisher          Oceanside                21:31  7:59 
    95 Lauren       Brown           Serra                    21:31  7:59 
    96 Nicky        Rumbawa         Escondido Charter        21:32  7:59 
    97 Lindsey      Holman-Kelley   The Bishop's School      21:35  8:00 
    98 Jennifer     Fletcher        St. Joseph/Lakewood (G)  21:36  8:00 
    99 Amanda       Genung          Sahuaro                  21:49  8:05 
   100 Clare        Riley           Salpointe Catholic       21:50  8:06 
   101 Madlyn       Mgrublian       Westridge (G)            21:52  8:06 
   102 Lilia        Rodriguez       Calexico                 21:54  8:07 
   103 Ashley       Thomas          La Salle (Boys)          21:55  8:08 
   104 Aleecia      Diaz            Cajon                    21:55  8:08 
   105 Emilie       Hahn            Westridge (G)            21:56  8:08 
   106 MacKenzie    Curtis          Serra                    21:58  8:09 
   107 Emily        Reit            The Bishop's School      21:59  8:09 
   108 Kelsey       Hjalmarson      Grossmont                21:59  8:09 
   109 Brittany     Crandall        Valhalla                 22:00  8:09 
   110 Myriam       Jimenez         Otay Ranch               22:01  8:10 
   111 Lexis        Ledesma         Grossmont                22:08  8:12 
   112 Rachel       Thompson        Canyon Crest Academy     22:09  8:13 
   113 Shanya       Vega            Cajon                    22:10  8:13 
   114 Rebecca      Schott          Valley Center            22:10  8:13 
   115 Denae        Mannis          Cajon                    22:13  8:14 
   116 K.C.         Jaski           Francis Parker           22:14  8:15 
   117 Levin        Sarah           The Bishop's School      22:15  8:15 
   118 Meredith     Brewster        Cathedral Catholic       22:20  8:17 
   119 Alexa        Shaw            La Reina (G)             22:21  8:17 
   120 Lexi         Rojeck          Our Lady of Peace        22:24  8:18 
   121 Sunny        Hitchcock       Steele Canyon            22:26  8:19 
   122 Crystal      Trejo           Sahuaro                  22:29  8:20 
   123 Lauren       Parr            Steele Canyon            22:39  8:24 
   124 Joe          Campbell        Canyon Crest Academy     22:39  8:24 
   125 Shelby       Doan            La Salle (Boys)          22:41  8:25 
   126 Caitlin      Amthor          Palm Desert              22:52  8:29 
   127 Cristal      Meija           Granite Hills            23:12  8:36 
   128 Madison      White           The Bishop's School      23:18  8:38 
   129 Haley        Fleischman      Cathedral Catholic       23:21  8:39 
   130 Kristie      Gauntlett       Maranatha                24:08  8:57 
   131 Stacy        Urreola         El Cajon Valley          24:13  8:59 
   132 Kristen      Wilson          Maranatha                24:14  8:59 
   133 Laurel       Vozely          Grossmont                24:19  9:01 
   134 Ariel        Hart            Westridge (G)            24:21  9:02 
   135 Helena       Kooi            Sabino                   24:26  9:03 
   136 Danielle     Ramirez         Monte Vista              24:31  9:05 
   137 Kelly        Pulsipher       Grossmont                24:36  9:07 
   138 Laurel       Oolie           Grossmont                24:45  9:10 
   139 Brittany     Peterson        Guajome Park Acad        24:54  9:14 
   140 Alyssia      Yazzie          Sherman Indian           25:00  9:16 
   141 Erika        Dominguez       Calexico                 25:01  9:16 
   142 Leon         Williams        Mar Vista                25:04  9:18 
   143 Isabella     Baldraco        Otay Ranch               25:06  9:18 
   144 Mariana      Garrido         Southwest (I.V.)         25:19  9:23 
   145 Nikki        Dentoni         Escondido Charter        25:37  9:30 
   146 Jessica      Cobian          Otay Ranch               26:10  9:42 
   147 Zermeno      Fabiola         Otay Ranch               26:21  9:46 
   148 Corinne      Hoody           Granite Hills            26:30  9:49 
   149 Casey        Sandal          Salpointe Catholic       26:33  9:50 
   150 Kayla        Clark           Our Lady of Peace        26:51  9:57 
   151 Christina    Perez           La Reina (G)             27:25 10:10 
   152 Kaitlin      Patterson       Grossmont                27:49 10:19 
   153 Quinn        O'Dowd          Palm Desert              28:39 10:37 
   154 Estrella     Piedra          Palm Desert              29:09 10:48 
   155 Katelyn      Davis           La Reina (G)             29:10 10:49 
   156 Heidi        Jaenicke        Flowing Wells            29:53 11:05 
   157 Kayla        Oberle          Escondido Charter        30:27 11:17 
   158 Elizabeth    Theisen         Steele Canyon            30:43 11:23 
   159 Aubrey       Osimos          Our Lady of Peace