SD Track Mag's Combined Invite Marks

The marks below were exported from Hy-Tek to excel and combined to produce master lists of invite marks so far this season. Included are the Big Dual, Tiger, Bronco, Falcon, Mt. Carmel, Runge, and Jaguar. I have not added either Grizzly or Mustang because I have not yet been sent the hy-tek files for these meets. It's possible to merge by hand but easier with the hy-tek files so I'll wait a bit to see if I can get them.
As the lists are now everyone is included and duplicates are not removed. Dual meet marks are NOT included nor are the out-of-town invites such as Arcadia or Mt. SAC. Hopefully I'll get the missing invites and will include the Escondido and Frosh/Soph invites next week along with the out of town and this week's meets.

The master excel file used to create the above lists -- great for research

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