2006 Mt. Carmel Invite:
Results for small school soph boys

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Nick Bedrosian, El Capitan

                Event 12 Small School Soph Boys 2.95 Miles

 Place First Name   Last Name       School                   Time  Pace  
 ===== ============ =============== ======================== ===== ===== 
     1 Nick         Bedrosian       El Capitan               16:34  5:37 
     2 Alex         Poyhonen        La Jolla Country Day     16:47  5:42 
     3 Cameron      Avilez          Valley Center            17:19  5:53 
     4 Ishmael      Armenta         Guajome Park Acad        17:26  5:55 
     5 Ryan         Bequette        Salpointe Catholic       17:32  5:57 
     6 Misikir      Mentose         Monte Vista              17:33  5:57 
     7 Adam         Steinert        Valhalla                 17:35  5:58 
     8 Eli          Aguirre         Steele Canyon            17:42  6:00 
     9 Parry        Thorton         Grossmont                17:45  6:02 
    10 Joe          Mangan          Saint Augustine          17:51  6:04 
    11 Alex         Evans           Sabino                   17:53  6:04 
    12 Antero       Barrentes       Maranatha                17:53  6:04 
    13 Andrew       Duenez          Cajon                    17:54  6:05 
    14 David        Grimes          Coronado                 17:56  6:05 
    15 Justin       Haley           Cathedral Catholic       17:57  6:06 
    16 Marco        Ramirez         Guajome Park Acad        17:57  6:06 
    17 Brooks       Nardi           Cathedral Catholic       17:58  6:06 
    18 Kyle         Greenhalgh      Steele Canyon            18:01  6:07 
    19 Michael      Gorney          Valhalla                 18:05  6:08 
    20 Dustin       Degler          Steele Canyon            18:09  6:10 
    21 Arturo       Islas           Salpointe Catholic       18:11  6:10 
    22 Jeff         Hemphill        Poly/Pasadena            18:11  6:10 
    23 Jake         Greve           San Dieguito Academy     18:14  6:11 
    24 Luke         Kemper          Valhalla                 18:17  6:12 
    25 Steve        Pascucci        Saint Augustine          18:20  6:13 
    26 Ian          Montijo         Sabino                   18:21  6:14 
    27 Thamine      Dalichaouch     La Jolla                 18:26  6:15 
    28 Chris        Perrine         Foothill                 18:27  6:16 
    29 Oxilevi      Cuevas          Oceanside                18:28  6:16 
    30 Mark         Wassmer         Monte Vista              18:28  6:16 
    31 Kevin        Mattice         La Salle (Boys)          18:29  6:16 
    32 Kyle         Broxterman      Escondido Charter        18:29  6:16 
    33 Henry        Su              The Bishop's School      18:29  6:16 
    34 Daniel       Holl            La Jolla                 18:30  6:17 
    35 Brian        Conroy          La Salle (Boys)          18:30  6:17 
    36 Walter       Coe             Foothill                 18:35  6:18 
    37 Sean         Dembowski       Poly/Pasadena            18:35  6:18 
    38 Derek        Gill            Cathedral Catholic       18:36  6:19 
    39 Kevin        Sumba           Sahuaro                  18:36  6:19 
    40 Rhys         McIntosh        La Salle (Boys)          18:36  6:19 
    41 Bryant       Hammershaimb    La Jolla                 18:37  6:19 
    42 Greg         Horvath         La Jolla                 18:38  6:19 
    43 Freddi       Martinez        El Cajon Valley          18:40  6:20 
    44 Matt         Hurrell         Valhalla                 18:41  6:20 
    45 Cole         Reese           Christian                18:42  6:21 
    46 Ben          Calabrese       Serra                    18:43  6:21 
    47 Jordan       Rosenfield      Greenway                 18:43  6:21 
    48 Corey        Holmstrom       Foothill                 18:44  6:22 
    49 Stacy        Cotter          Coronado                 18:44  6:22 
    50 Cameron      Petersen        Valhalla                 18:45  6:22 
    51 Mason        Sumnicht        Steele Canyon            18:45  6:22 
    52 Taylor       Schmidt         Valhalla                 18:45  6:22 
    53 Eric         Adams           Maranatha                18:46  6:22 
    54 Evan         Corrales        Steele Canyon            18:50  6:24 
    55 Kyle         Barefield       Valhalla                 18:51  6:24 
    56 Nethania     Penrod          Mar Vista                18:54  6:25 
    57 David        Hinchman        Valley Center            18:56  6:26 
    58 Chris        Roberts         Valhalla                 18:57  6:26 
    59 Steve        Curran          Saint Augustine          18:59  6:27 
    60 Danny        Tarantino       Saint Augustine          18:59  6:27 
    61 Matt         McKenzie        Cajon                    19:00  6:27 
    62 Phillip      Song            Mt. Carmel               19:01  6:27 
    63 Eric         Mansour         Mt. Carmel               19:02  6:28 
    64 Josh         Salmeron        Cathedral Catholic       19:02  6:28 
    65 Thomas       Hombo           Maranatha                19:03  6:28 
    66 Tommy        Kroll           Cathedral Catholic       19:06  6:29 
    67 Shivam       Patel           Steele Canyon            19:06  6:29 
    68 Max          Robertson       Valhalla                 19:09  6:30 
    69 Dane         Leyva           Serra                    19:11  6:31 
    70 Juve         Stangland       Monte Vista              19:13  6:31 
    71 Dylan        Colburn         La Jolla                 19:13  6:31 
    72 Ryan         Doherty         Valhalla                 19:15  6:32 
    73 Levi         Ramos           La Jolla                 19:15  6:32 
    74 Evan         Moring          San Dieguito Academy     19:16  6:32 
    75 Nick         Baxter          Valhalla                 19:18  6:33 
    76 Jason        Bell            Palm Desert              19:19  6:33 
    77 Jacinto      Dominguez       Escondido Charter        19:20  6:34 
    78 Zach         Cohen           Sabino                   19:20  6:34 
    79 Vinny        Battaglia       Grossmont                19:21  6:34 
    80 Dylan        Anderson        Mt. Carmel               19:21  6:34 
    81 Christian    Berglund        Cajon                    19:23  6:35 
    82 Nick         Barresi         Sahuaro                  19:24  6:35 
    83 Ryan         Perry           Otay Ranch               19:24  6:35 
    84 Adam         Rolph           Canyon Crest Academy     19:26  6:36 
    85 Lance        Leon            Sahuaro                  19:27  6:36 
    86 Mike         Till            Steele Canyon            19:37  6:39 
    87 Alfred       Haslerig        Otay Ranch               19:38  6:40 
    88 Evan         Wadjinski       Saint Augustine          19:40  6:40 
    89 Micah        Shepard         Foothill                 19:41  6:41 
    90 Sean         McIntosh        La Salle (Boys)          19:42  6:41 
    91 Quintis      Davison         Grossmont                19:45  6:42 
    92 Joe          Gaul            Sahuaro                  19:45  6:42 
    93 Garrett      Close           Canyon Crest Academy     19:49  6:44 
    94 Matt         Boehmer         Cathedral Catholic       19:50  6:44 
    95 Joe          Hauser          Grossmont                19:52  6:45 
    96 William      Woesle          Cathedral Catholic       19:52  6:45 
    97 John         Bitner          Granite Hills            19:54  6:45 
    98 Vincent      Heng            Mt. Carmel               19:55  6:46 
    99 Bryan        Miranda         Otay Ranch               19:57  6:46 
   100 Tim          Bauchman        Saint Augustine          19:58  6:47 
   101 Jackson      Sullivan        Steele Canyon            19:59  6:47 
   102 Dan          Harcourt        Sahuaro                  20:00  6:47 
   103 Kenny        Kievens         Serra                    20:03  6:48 
   104 Cameron      Winston         Steele Canyon            20:04  6:49 
   105 Roberto      Estrada         Monte Vista              20:05  6:49 
   106 Drew         Volpe           Grossmont                20:07  6:50 
   107 Mark         Ratledge        San Marcos               20:08  6:50 
   108 Ethan        Shakoori        La Jolla                 20:10  6:51 
   109 Travis       Hamilton        Valhalla                 20:13  6:52 
   110 Ruben        Leyva           San Marcos               20:13  6:52 
   111 Owen         Lord            Grossmont                20:15  6:52 
   112 Spencer      Mays            La Jolla                 20:16  6:53 
   113 Adam         Brooks          Salpointe Catholic       20:18  6:53 
   114 Trevor       Sinclair        The Bishop's School      20:18  6:53 
   115 Jacob        Cruz            Christian                20:19  6:54 
   116 Conner       Houghtby        Valhalla                 20:19  6:54 
   117 Victor       Munoz           Serra                    20:23  6:55 
   118 Philip       Miller          Horizon                  20:23  6:55 
   119 Daniel       Than            Mt. Carmel               20:27  6:56 
   120 Paresh       Dave            Mt. Carmel               20:28  6:57 
   121 Sean         Cornelius       Serra                    20:28  6:57 
   122 Aaron        Ramirez         Monte Vista              20:31  6:58 
   123 Scott        Leonard         Canyon Crest Academy     20:32  6:58 
   124 David        Kim             Maranatha                20:32  6:58 
   125 Austin       Fageol          Granite Hills            20:34  6:59 
   126 Trevor       Holleron        Otay Ranch               20:34  6:59 
   127 Jon          Antonsson       Poly/Pasadena            20:35  6:59 
   128 Ankur        Rathee          The Bishop's School      20:35  6:59 
   129 Jeremy       Gamache         Granite Hills            20:36  6:59 
   130 Matthew      Ramon           El Capitan               20:47  7:03 
   131 Umi          Hoshijima       La Jolla                 20:49  7:04 
   132 Miles        Fairchild       San Dieguito Academy     20:54  7:06 
   133 Vikram       Bhoyrul         The Bishop's School      20:56  7:06 
   134 Raphael      Pransky         La Jolla                 20:57  7:07 
   135 Billy        Dias            Serra                    21:02  7:08 
   136 Steve        Escalera        San Dieguito Academy     21:02  7:08 
   137 James        Sanderman       El Capitan               21:05  7:09 
   138 Spencer      Hamiga          San Marcos               21:07  7:10 
   139 Casey        Wu              Canyon Crest Academy     21:08  7:10 
   140 Parker       Simon           La Salle (Boys)          21:10  7:11 
   141 Cory         Taylor          Escondido Charter        21:12  7:12 
   142 Cuali        Hernandez       El Capitan               21:13  7:12 
   143 Aaron        Garcia          Otay Ranch               21:17  7:13 
   144 Tim          Kellogg         Valley Center            21:18  7:14 
   145 Jose         Corral          Monte Vista              21:18  7:14 
   146 Brice        Williamson      Palm Desert              21:20  7:14 
   147 Ben          Noetzel         Steele Canyon            21:22  7:15 
   148 Trevor       Moore           Francis Parker           21:22  7:15 
   149 Victor       Archibeque      Cajon                    21:26  7:16 
   150 Matt         Skerritt        Canyon Crest Academy     21:27  7:17 
   151 Nerlin       Carreon         El Cajon Valley          21:28  7:17 
   152 Akio         Mitsunaga       La Jolla                 21:29  7:17 
   153 Ryan         Murphy          Cathedral Catholic       21:30  7:18 
   154 Joe          Deodato         Flowing Wells            21:33  7:19 
   155 James        Giammona        La Jolla                 21:40  7:21 
   156 Justin       Costello        La Jolla                 21:41  7:22 
   157 Eric         Cook            San Dieguito Academy     21:44  7:23 
   158 Brian        Ie              Mt. Carmel               21:45  7:23 
   159 Shawn        Roberts         Canyon Crest Academy     21:45  7:23 
   160 James        Magras          Sabino                   21:47  7:24 
   161 Juan         Cardenas        Otay Ranch               21:56  7:27 
   162 John         Davis           Maranatha                21:57  7:27 
   163 Samir        Junnarkar       La Jolla Country Day     21:59  7:28 
   164 Jacob        Kalichman       San Dieguito Academy     22:00  7:28 
   165 Sri          Reddy           La Jolla                 22:08  7:31 
   166 Nate         Brown           Valley Center            22:11  7:32 
   167 Jack         Diggs           Grossmont                22:11  7:32 
   168 Bryce        Kahl            Steele Canyon            22:13  7:32 
   169 Tony         Alberti         Valhalla                 22:16  7:33 
   170 Todd         Davis           Escondido Charter        22:19  7:34 
   171 Jason        Summers         Steele Canyon            22:20  7:35 
   172 Bryon        Moss            Steele Canyon            22:31  7:38 
   173 James        Agee            Serra                    22:36  7:40 
   174 Kevin        McIntire        Christian                22:36  7:40 
   175 Tyler        Rocho           El Capitan               22:39  7:41 
   176 Nick         Armstrong       San Dieguito Academy     22:42  7:42 
   177 Trevor       Baldner-Hathawa Flowing Wells            22:43  7:43 
   178 Neil         Yetz            Steele Canyon            22:52  7:46 
   179 Colton       Koinva          Sherman Indian           22:54  7:46 
   180 Greg         Hooker          Canyon Crest Academy     22:54  7:46 
   181 Jose         Zaizar          Monte Vista              22:58  7:48 
   182 Blake        Noble           Canyon Crest Academy     22:58  7:48 
   183 Andrew       Collier         Serra                    23:09  7:51 
   184 Pieter       Stougaard       The Bishop's School      23:12  7:52 
   185 Asa          Merrigan        La Salle (Boys)          23:25  7:57 
   186 Sean         Hardebeck       Cathedral Catholic       23:40  8:02 
   187 Robert       Fisher          Canyon Crest Academy     23:54  8:07 
   188 Vasu         Prathipati      The Bishop's School      23:58  8:08 
   189 Donavan      McNiff          Guajome Park Acad        23:59  8:08 
   190 Justin       Suh             Maranatha                24:14  8:13 
   191 Joshua       Redhair         San Dieguito Academy     24:32  8:19 
   192 Justin       Flores          Otay Ranch               24:33  8:20 
   193 Alberto      Gonzalez        Canyon Crest Academy     24:47  8:25 
   194 Jimmy        Walker          Granite Hills            24:48  8:25 
   195 Blake        McPherson       Granite Hills            25:09  8:32 
   196 Ben          Tran            La Jolla                 25:15  8:34 
   197 Andrew       Dunn            San Dieguito Academy     25:33  8:40 
   198 Zack         Irwin           Escondido Charter        25:39  8:42 
   199 Daniel       Bilotta         San Dieguito Academy     26:07  8:52 
   200 Jacob        Handy           Escondido Charter        26:15  8:54 
   201 Geoff        Hui             Valley Center            26:40  9:03 
   202 Michael      Handy           Escondido Charter        27:50  9:27 
   203 Mike         Olson           Horizon                  28:53  9:48 
   204 Cole         Wilson          San Dieguito Academy     29:10  9:54 
   205 Isaac        Jiminez         Monte Vista              29:14  9:55 
   206 Manuel       Martinez        Otay Ranch               30:09 10:14 
   207 Jessica      Howard          Foothills Christian                  
   208 Robert       Dunn            San Dieguito Academy                 
   209 Eric         Moroney         The Bishop's School